SymfonyExtension 2.1: Behat with Symfony 5
April 05, 2020 • 4 minutes read • 0 commentsFriends of Behat's SymfonyExtension becomes more and more popular as the downloads rose almost fivefold in the last year. I'm happy to announce the new release bringing support for Symfony 5 and PHP 7.4, together with functional improvements.
Seven Commands to Bulletproof Your Symfony Application CI Build
January 12, 2020 • 5 minutes read • 0 commentsOver the course of years, I noticed there are more and more checks that are usually performed in our Symfony applications' CI environment. This is my attempt at writing down the most useful ones.
Tame Behat with the Brand New Symfony Extension
February 11, 2019 • 7 minutes read • 2 commentsDo you use Behat with Symfony? Here's why you should consider switching to FriendsOfBehat's SymfonyExtension. Autowiring support, zero-configuration setup, Mink integration, Flex recipe, improved DX and more.
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Stay up to date with my content. Opt-out at any time.I'm Kamil Kokot. My goal is to make software testing as effortless as possible so that you can develop with confidence. I maintain Behat and FriendsOfBehat libraries.